
与所有其他优秀语言一样,Tcl 也可以打开、读取及写入文件。和其他所有优秀的教程一样,本教程也会教大家如何做到这一点。首先让我们看看如何打开文件。

open 命令


open fileName ?access? ?permission?

fileName 是文件名。access 参数(如果存在),指定出访问文件的方式。他可以有以下任意值:

  • r,打开文件仅供读取;文件必须已经存在。在未指定访问权限 access 参数时,这是默认值;

  • r+,打开文件供读写;文件必须已经存在;

  • w,打开文件,仅供写入。如果存在该文件名的文件,则会删除该文件的所有内容。如果不存在,则创建一个新文件;

  • w+,打开文件进行读写。如果存在该文件名的文件,则删除该文件的所有内容。如果不存在,则创建一个新文件;

  • a,打开文件,仅供写入。如果文件不存在,则创建一个新的空文件。会将初始访问位置,the initial access position,设置到文件末尾;

  • a+,打开文件供读写。如果文件不存在,则创建一个新的空文件。会将初始访问位置,设置到文件末尾。


#Open the file called "jokes.txt" for writing
open "jokes.txt" w


puts 命令


puts ?-nonewline? ?channelId? string

只有在写入文件的字符串末尾,不需要换行时,才使用 -nonewline 选项。channelID 参数,表示必须要写入输出流的 ID(如果不明白是什么意思,不用担心,稍后会明白)。string 便是要写入文件的字符串。让我们看看示例。

#Open the file called "jokes.txt" for writing
set out [open "jokes.txt" w]
puts $out "Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes."

请注意,这里创建了一个名为 out 的变量。他将存储打开文件的 ID。一定要以这种方式打开文件,否则他们就没什么用了。然后,咱们使用 puts 命令,运用这个 ID 来写入文件。现在,名为 jokes.txt 的文件只有一行。接下来,咱们必须关闭文件。

close 命令


close ?channelId?


#Open the file called "jokes.txt" for writing
set out [open "jokes.txt" w]

puts $out "Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes."

close $out


#Open the file called "jokes.txt" for writing
set out [open "jokes.txt" w]

puts $out "Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes."

close $out

set out [open "jokes.txt" a]

puts $out "Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are."
puts $out "My software never has bugs. It just develops random features."
puts $out {All computers wait at the same speed.
Best file compression around:  "DEL *.*" = 100% compression
DEFINITION: Computer - A device designed to speed and automate errors.
DEFINITION: Upgrade - Take old bugs out, put new ones in.}

close $out


gets 命令


gets channelId ?varName?

gets 将从频道(或文件)中复制 一行,并将其放入 varName 中。如未指定 varName,则复制的行,就是该函数的结果。咱们回到示例,并获取文件的第一行。为此,我们要再次打开那个文件,这次采用读取模式。

#Open the file called "jokes.txt" for writing
set out [open "jokes.txt" w]

puts $out "Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes."

close $out

set out [open "jokes.txt" a]

puts $out "Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are."
puts $out "My software never has bugs. It just develops random features."
puts $out {All computers wait at the same speed.
Best file compression around:  "DEL *.*" = 100% compression
DEFINITION: Computer - A device designed to speed and automate errors.
DEFINITION: Upgrade - Take old bugs out, put new ones in.}

close $out

#Opening file in read mode
set in [open "jokes.txt" r]

gets $in line

label .line -text "First Line : $line"
pack .line

下面的命令,可用于逐行读取整个文件。请看下面的示例。请勿担心其中的行 .txt insert end "$line\n---\n" -- 稍后这里会作解释。

text .txt
#Opening file in read mode
set in [open "jokes.txt" r]

while {[gets $in line] != -1} {
    #Do whatever you want with the $line variable
    .txt insert end "$line\n---\n"
close $in

pack .txt -expand 1 -fill both

这个命令用于逐行读取文件。现在咱们需要查看到整个文件。为此,我们需要使用下面的 read 命令。但请记住,如果咱们之前已经读取了一行,那么读取命令将只读取第二行。为了将通道重置到最初位置,我们需要使用下面的 seek 命令。

seek 命令


seek channelId offset ?origin?

offsetorigin 参数,指定了 channelId 下一次读取或写入的位置。偏移量,offset 必须是整数(可以是负数),原点,origin 则必须是以下其中之一:startcurrentend


read 命令


read channelId ?numChars?

read 会从通道中读取 numChars 个字符,并将其返回。如果没有指定 numChars,则会读取整个文件并返回其内容。咱们可以读取文件,然后将所有行放入一个列表,将每一行作为列表中的一个项目。这可以通过下面的代码完成:

set in [open "file.txt" r]
set contents [read $in]
close $in

set lines [split $contents "\n"]

现在,名为 $lines 的列表中的每一项,都是名为 file.txt 文件中的一行。下面是这一小节的最后一次举例说明。

#Open the file called "jokes.txt" for writing
set out [open "jokes.txt" w]
puts $out "Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes."
close $out

#Now append more jokes at the end of the file
set out [open "jokes.txt" a]
puts $out "Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are."
puts $out "My software never has bugs. It just develops random features."
puts $out {All computers wait at the same speed.
Best file compression around:  "DEL *.*" = 100% compression
DEFINITION: Computer - A device designed to speed and automate errors.
DEFINITION: Upgrade - Take old bugs out, put new ones in.}
close $out

#Opening file in read mode
set in [open "jokes.txt" r]
gets $in line
label .line -justify left -text "First Line : $line"
pack .line

seek $in 0 start
set contents [read $in]
close $in

label .full-heading -text "Full file Contents... \n"
label .full -justify left -text "$contents"
pack .full-heading .full



Last change: 2025-01-10, commit: e31ffad